Verantwortlicher & Kursleitung Thomas Binz
Eidgenössisch Dipl. Einkäufer
Nachdiplomstudium NDS BWL
CAS Change-Management FH
Leiter Beschaffung KSA
Präsident Medsupply a. D.
Fachdozent H+
Trainer Flight & Cockpit GmbH
Teamausbilder Martin P. Moser
Swiss Federal Diploma in Corporate Training & Workforce Development and Training (Institute for Applied Psychology IAP, Basel)
Diploma in adult training SVEB
Diploma as a Financial Planner (bbz St. Gall)
Grade A diploma (CPE) in English language
Rhetoric and Dialectic for Managers
(Institute of Communication, Management and Sales, St. Gall)
Fundamentals of Greek Philosophy and its modern day application
(Institute Dr. Gerhard Hofweber, Munich)
Captain Martin Dietrich
Militärpilot Swiss Airforce (Mirage III RS)
Linienpilot Swissair a. D. retired (MD-11)